What do Buyers & Brides Have in Common?

What do Buyers & Brides Have in Common? Actually a lot.

Start with the Budget

Buyers and Brides are both very excited! A buyer wants to go ahead and pick out new furniture, and the bride wants to go ahead and pick out the perfect dress. Here is where they can both get in trouble if they are not careful: the budget. If a bride decides to start looking at wedding gowns “just for fun,” she runs the risk of falling in love with a dress she can’t afford. Similarly, if a buyer starts looking at real estate in the area “just for fun,” the buyer runs the risk of falling in love with a home or neighborhood out of their budget.

Local lenders understand this market, and they know this area.  You need to get preapproved for a loan before you start looking, and we can get a firm budget to work with.  Also, because we are in the middle of a seller’s market, most sellers are requiring a preapproval letter or proof of funds submitted with all offers. Ask us for a list of local lenders!

Prioritize Needs & Wants

Buyers and Brides need to find the three most important things they need and want. A bride on a budget cannot have the perfect dress, the dreamy venue, the gorgeous flowers, the most incredible photographer, a 5-course dinner, and an open bar. It’s simply not realistic. In the same way, a buyer with a budget cannot have a new construction home with all the upgrades, a large backyard with a pool, a three-car garage, and an ocean view. Both brides and buyers need to make a list of the top three things that are most important then be able to compromise in other areas. It is important to prioritize the needs and wants of everyone involved.

Listen to Advice Given by Professionals

If a bride ignores her wedding planner’s advice to rent a tent in case it rains, she might later regret it when a summer pop-up storm shows up at the exact time she is supposed to be walking down the aisle. In the same way, a buyer should listen to the advice given. If the lender tells a buyer not to make any large purchases while under contract, the buyer will probably regret ignoring that advice and purchasing new furniture the day before closing.

The Process Can Be Fun… And a Little Stressful

Another thing buyers & brides have in common is the planning period. A bride loves to pick out all the things for her wedding day. The color of the bridesmaid dresses, the flowers, the music, every detail. A buyer loves to pick out all the things for their new home. The paint color, the new comforter, the curtains, the artwork, every detail. Unfortunately, there are sometimes hiccups and challenges in the planning process. The perfect wedding photographer is not in the budget. Yikes. The appraisal came in a little low. Double yikes! The important thing is to stay calm and try to enjoy the journey. Everything can be figured out.

Time to Celebrate!!

Getting married and buying a home are both times to celebrate!! It’s new and exciting! Bust out the favorite music and pop the champagne! Congratulations!!

Buyers, we at The Got Beach Team are here to help you. Brides, we recommend a great wedding planner.

Kelli Sullivan & Renata Murphree

The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate

Kelli: (850) 819-8246 | [email protected]

Renata: (850) 527-3923 | [email protected]