Making a Wishlist for Buyers

A notepad with 3 pencils on a table.

Making a wishlist for buyers can become overwhelming and tricky. The Got Beach Team is here to help you make this process easier and smoother!  This really helps us narrow down our search when helping you find the perfect home.  You need to answer some very important questions and go through some steps to make this process as smooth and easy as possible.

When a wedding planner talks to a bride about planning her dream wedding, the planner will ask what is the most important priorities for her wedding day.  If the bride says the dress, the food, the band, the favors, the photographer, the videographer, the décor, the location, and an open bar.  Oh, but she has a limited budget.  Nope.  This does not work, and the planner is going to have a very difficult time making this bride happy.  However, if the bride gives her planner the top three things that are important to her: the dress, the photographer, and the venue.  This makes a world of difference, and the planner is able to make the day as magical and perfect as possible for the bride. 

This is very similar when it comes to buying a property.

Step 1:  Find a LOCAL lender. 

Local lenders understand this market, and they know this area.  You need to get preapproved for a loan before you start looking, and we can get a firm budget to work with.  Also, because we are in the middle of a seller’s market, most sellers are requiring a preapproval letter or proof of funds submitted with all offers. 

Step 2:  Make a Realistic Wishlist. 

Let’s go back to the bride analogy.  Make a list of the top three things that are most important to you.  Is it the location?  Is it a big backyard?  Or is it a luxurious master suite?  Is it high rental projections? Make a list of things you cannot live without.  Make a list of things that you would prefer but is not a dealbreaker.  Then make a list of dealbreakers.  This helps us help you. 

Questions We Will Ask:

  • How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need?
  • What area do you want to live in?
  • What is your budget?
  • Are there specific things you are searching for, such as a pool, garage, or large closet?
  • Do you want to buy in a neighborhood with an HOA?
  • What type of property are you looking for? Condo, Detached Home, Townhome?
  • Is this for your primary home, a second home, or an investment property?

Bonus Tip:  If you are buying a property with a significant other, a business partner, or family, it is important for everyone to be on the same page.  If one person wants one thing, but the other person wants the exact opposite, this makes the searching process more difficult.  Making a wishlist for buyers can be tricky, but it really helps when everyone is on the same page.

Step 3:  Call The Got Beach Team!

The Got Beach Team loves to play matchmaker and find you your dream home.  We live here and know our area and know our market.  We have been in this business for over twenty years, and we have plenty of experience and knowledge that we love to share. Let us help you with making a Wishlist and finding the perfect property!

You can browse available properties HERE.

Also, if you are interested in events happening locally, you can click HERE.

We look forward to helping you in making a Wishlist for buyers and finding your dream home!

Kelli Sullivan & Renata Murphree

The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate

Kelli: (850) 819-8246 | [email protected]

Renata: (850) 527-3923 | [email protected]

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The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate.
The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate