Hurricane Prep for Homeowners

Happy Hurricane Season! Here are some helpful tips for hurricane prep for homeowners so you are well prepared for a storm. June 1st to November 30th is Hurricane Season, and you need to get your ducks in a row like yesterday.

First – take a minute to watch these two hysterical but very helpful videos: Part 1 & Part 2 with Meghan Lynn. You’re welcome.


Go over your insurance policy and coverage now. Do not wait until a storm hits the gulf to realize you do not have the right coverage. What is your hurricane deductible?  What is covered by your policy and what is excluded?  Check specifically for water exclusions. Take pictures of your policy numbers and save them in a folder in your phone for easy access.

Storm Shutters

The day before a hurricane is not the time that you realize you forgot to buy storm shutters.  If you have some already, check on their condition.  Are they easy to get to?  Keep in mind that you might not have a lot of warning or much time to get your hurricane shutters on your windows.

Pictures. Pictures. And more Pictures. 

Take pictures of everything inside and outside of your home.  You cannot go overboard with the number of pictures.  Take photos of your contents, especially your high-end valuables and prized possessions.  Pictures of price tags would be helpful too.  You need to be able to show the quality or age of each item. Take pictures of all of your furniture, your kitchen appliances, inside closets, your boxes of Christmas decorations, everything.

Professional Tarp Company

Have a tarp company on standby.  This is something you want to leave to the professionals.  Yes, in theory, you can do it yourself.  You can run the risk of causing more damage and more problems.  Do not wait until after a hurricane to find a professional because they will be busy. There will also be people that will try to take advantage of you after a storm.


Whether you are ordered or not, whether you are in a flood zone or not, strongly consider evacuating the area, especially if the hurricane is a category 3 or above.  We all saw with Hurricane Michael that a storm can strengthen right before making landfall.  Michael also landed much farther east than expected.  Houses and possessions can be replaced.  Lives cannot. 

Supplies List

Make a list of supplies you need and buy them now before everyone panics. You will need a gallon of water per person for at least three days as well as nonperishable food. Get the extra snacks. Trust us on that one. Keep your gas tank full because everyone will drive to the gas station as soon as a storm hits the gulf. Have a battery weather radio with extra batteries. You can never have too many flashlights, glowsticks, and solar powered garden lights. Fill the bathtub with water so you’ll have water to flush after the storm.

We hope you found this information on hurricane prep for homeowners helpful! But we also hope you never have to use this list. Stay safe this season!!

The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate would like to help you in any way we can with all of your real estate and non-real estate needs. If you need any other information, please contact us.

Contact Info:

Kelli Sullivan & Renata Murphree

The Got Beach Team at Beachy Beach Real Estate

Kelli: (850) 819-8246 | [email protected]

Renata: (850) 527-3923 | [email protected]

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